Archiwum - 1(7)/2013 ISSN 1897-0389
Współczesne badania, problemy i analizy językoznawcze
Językoznawstwo nr 7(1)/2013 ISSN 1897-0389
Spis treści
I Studia i rozprawy
Anna Arciszewska, Procesy wpływające na kształtowanie się nazw miejskich kiedyś i dziś
Anna Bielska, Archaisms in three Polish translations of Romeo and Juliet
Anna Chrupczalska-Laskowska, „Jaja na trzepaku”, „Pęczak nie pęka”, „Czarna piękność” – język i styl przepisów kulinarnych Marty Gessler
Dorota Gonigroszek, Zatrute drzewo Williama Blake’a - analiza kognitywna
Iwona Gryz, Planowanie testów językowych – kryteria poprawności
Judyta Kabus, Podręcznik multimedialny w dyskursie glottodydaktycznym
Janusz Maciaszek, Od matematyki do analizy języka naturalnego. Kilka uwag o Gottloba Fregego filozofii języka
Aneta Majkowska, Debata sejmowa – analiza gatunku wypowiedzi
Justyna Makowska, Kobiety i mężczyźni w językowo-kulturowym obrazie świata
w podhalańskich translacjach intrajęzykowych
Justyna Mazepus, Kreowanie znaczeń w utworach Haliny Poświatowskiej
Julia Mazurkiewicz-Sułkowska, Agata Mokrzycka, Bułgarsko-polski słownik analityzmów werbo-nominalnych. Podstawowe założenia i kwestie problematyczne
Zdzisława Staszewska, Sakrament bierzmowania w zwierciadle języka (na podstawie materiału gwarowego
II Recenzje, omówienia i sprawozdania
Grzegorz Majkowski, Sprawozdanie z ogólnopolskiej konferencji naukowej Idee, wartości, słowa w życiu publicznym, Łódź 17-18 kwietnia 2013 roku, Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Łodzi (część językoznawcza)
Informacje dla autorów
Table of contents
Anna Arciszewska
Processes affecting the development of urban names in the past and today
Anna Bielska
Archaisms in three Polish translations of Romeo and Juliet
Anna Chrupczalska-Laskowska
"Egg-beating rack", ”Hulled barley won’t get a sinking feeling”, “Black beauty” – the language and style of recipes by Marta Gessler
Dorota Gonigroszek
A Poison Tree by William Blake - the cognitive analysis
Iwona Gryz
Planning of language tests – criteria of correctness
Marcin Józefaciuk
Signs in cyberspace as language signs
Judyta Kabus
Multimedia school textbook in glottodidactic discourse
Janusz Maciaszek
From mathematics to natural language analysis. Some remarks about Gottlob Frege’s philosophy of language
Aneta Majkowska
Parliamentary debate - genre of expression analysis
Grzegorz Majkowski
Lingual-textual measures of dialogueness in the leaflet (on material of antistrike-leaflets from August of the year 1980)
Justyna Makowska
Women and men in lingual-cultural picture of the world in translations of the Tatra Highlands intralinguistics
Justyna Mazepus
Creation of the meanings in Halina Poświatowska’s compositions
Julia Mazurkiewicz-Sułkowska, Agata Mokrzycka
The Bulgarian-Polish dictionary of connections verb-nominal. Basic foundations and problematic matters
Zdzisława Staszewska
Confirmation sacrament in the mirror of a language
Grzegorz Majkowski
Report on a nationwide scientific conference ‘Ideas, values, words in public life’, Lodz, 17- 18 April, 2013, University of Humanities and Economics in Lodz (linguistics part)
Processes affecting the development of urban names in the past and today
This work shows the processes of creation of city names. The process of shaping urban names has been changing over the years. It was a prolonged process depending on inhabitants. Citizens shaped their own names in their daily lives. The names usually informed about original landscape or employment of people. They reported economic and industrial progress or turbulent history of the city. Nowadays we can observe the paradigm of shift in naming function caused by officials. It is the effect of our life in a hurry.
Key words: urban nomenclature, name motivated, functions of urban nomenclature
Archaisms in three Polish translations of Romeo and Juliet
In this article I focus my attention on archaisms. I demonstrate that they are frequently replaced by their modern counterparts, which significantly changes the uniqueness of the original text. I base my research on three Polish translations of Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. Paszkowski’s translation is the oldest version I analyze as it dates back to the 19th century. Two other translations are more modern. Słomczyński translated the play in 1983 and Barańczak in 1990. Generally speaking, Paszkowski reflects Shakespeare’s intentions, language and style accurately and the most successfully. His target reader may sense the exceptionality of the original without referring to the English version.
Key words: translation, equivalence, archaisms, culture, etymology
Anna Chrupczalska-Laskowska
"Egg-beating rack", ”Hulled barley won’t get a sinking feeling”, “Black beauty” – the language and style of recipes by Marta Gessler
This article discusses the peculiarity and style, as well as the generic structure, of recipes by Marta Gessler published in “Wysokie Obcasy” (High Heels – a women’s magazine) – a supplement to the “Gazeta Wyborcza” newspaper. In the press article the recipes are organised into an established generic structure, comprising the introductory part, composed of the title and the lead, and the next part, the main body, which contains the list of ingredients, information about their quantities and detailed instructions concerning the preparation of the dish. Recipes by Marta Gessler reflect the traditional variant of the generic model, and yet are more complex, since they were enriched with the author’s comments. By means of reminiscences, anecdotes, descriptions, stories narratives, or short stories, the texts of the restaurateur catch the reader’s attention and bestow the text with a distinct character.
Key words: species, specific pattern standard, culinary regulation, style of the language.
A Poison Tree by William Blake - the cognitive analysis
The aim of the article is to demonstrate that cognitive linguistic methodologies can provide a basis for analyses of literary and poetical works. I attempt to fully interpret A Poison Tree written by William Blake. The analysis is based on the beliefs of the Theory of Conceptual Metaphor. I also refer to cognitive conception of emotions (Lakoff, Kӧvecses, Johnson). Rosh’s model of categorization has also been mentioned. I assumed, among others, after Langacker that linguistic meanings are individual in character and dependent on the author’s experiences.
Key words: cognitive linguistics, William Blake, conceptual metaphor, emotions
Planning of language tests – criteria of correctness
This article deals with planning language tests and discusses the eligibility criteria for a good language test. At the beginning, the author gives a definition of a language test and attempts to answer the question what the aim of teachers testing their students is. Then, she outlines the general division of language tests, dividing them due to their intended purpose and, at the same time, discussing each of the mentioned type. In addition, she gives specific criteria for the correctness of a language test in the analysis of such key features as validity, reliability, practicality and objectivity. She also provides practical examples of the most common mistakes while planning a teaching language test.
Key words: lingual test, criteria of correctness of lingual test
Signs in cyberspace as language signs
In this paper I present the main theories of semiotics (the science of signs), and communication, to continue to the characterisation and characteristics of language of cyberspace. Then, on examples, I show the use of different characters in the electronic space by their functions. The article focuses on the signs used on the internet chat rooms, and shows its value as linguistic sign.
Key words: semiotics, linguistics, sign, linguistic sign, Internet, cyberspace
Multimedia school textbook in glottodidactic discourse
The author of this article assumes that a textbook is central to the process of teaching and learning a foreign language. Thus, it she attempted to discuss a multimedia textbook gaining popularity during foreign language classes. In the first part of the article dictionary definitions of the concept of a textbook are quoted and its features are presents. In the rest of the articke, the analysis of e-textbook in terms of both content and construction plays the leading role. The author came to the conclusion that a classic textbook and digital textbook do not differ much from each other, if we consider the global composition and content contained. She stresses, however, that a student using a printed textbook has a fixed educational path, which must be followed in order to achieve a given level of knowledge. On the other hand, a student can easily get lost in a e-textbook, in the structure of it, a student may also exceed the mandatory segments through the use of a variety of multimedia files embedded in its structure.
Key words: textbook, handbook, e-book, multimedia school textbook, glottodidactics, classical school textbook
From mathematics to natural language analysis. Some remarks about Gottlob Frege’s philosophy of language
Gottlob Frege (1848 – 1925) was mainly a mathematician who wanted to reinforce this discipline on philosophical ground. The starting point was the analysis of the language of mathematics, but his interests focused on natural language. Nowadays he is not famous as mathematician but rather as a philosopher of language, and he deserves the title of the father of this discipline. His writings are widely recognized by philosophers and linguists as seminal papers in philosophy of language His achievements were appreciated mainly by British analytic philosophers who dealt with the analysis of language. In the paper I focus on the part of Frege’s legacy that is still vivid in philosophy of language and modern linguistics. I particularly analyze mathematical inspiration of Frege’s semantics and the consequences of its application to natural language. Then I focus on the relation of semantic notions introduced by Frege with a rather unclear notion of linguistic meaning, and indicate the problems that appear if Frege’s semantics is to be applied to natural language. I briefly present the current directions in the natural language analysis that tend to overcome the problems generated by Fregean theory.
Key words: philosophy of language, linguistic meaning, semantics, sens of the expression, reference, force of a sentence, proper name, definite description
Parliamentary debate - genre of expression analysis
The object of the description is a contemporary Polish Parliamentary debate. Its mission is to describe the characteristics of genres. Parliamentary debate, especially after the political transformation, has become a complex communicative event. Observing this object allowed to explore the use of language and linguistic communication in one of the most important areas of public life and in dynamically changing social reality.
Key words: statement genre, parliamentary debate, political discourse
Lingual-textual measures of dialogueness in the leaflet (on material of antistrike-leaflets from August of the year 1980)
In antistrike-leaflets from August 1980 we can observe different textual and linguistic exponents of dialogism. These are: the direct turn to the addressee, e.g.: Robotnicy! Mieszkańcy Trójmiasta!; the direct turn to the addressee YOU in the form of the personal pronoun you, e.g. ...od Was zależy... and possessive yours, e.g.: W Waszym jednak zakładzie..., in the form of the imperative of the 2nd person plural, e.g.: ...podejmijcie pracę!; WE in the form of the 1st person plural of a verb, e.g.: Odrzućmy puste słowa...; the possessive pronoun ours, e.g.: ...nasze dzieci..., complex question –answer and rhetorical question, FULL CAPITALS and augmentative. Stylistic and linguistic means of dialogism used in the area of text support the sending-receiving process and in this way increase the persuasion force of a leaflet.
Key words: dialogism, antistrike-leaflet, textual and linguistic exponents of dialogism
Women and men in lingual-cultural picture of the world in translations of the Tatra Highlands intralinguistics
The subject of the article is a linguistic creation of men and women in language and cultural view of the world, contained in the dramas written in polish highlanders’ dialect.
Jan Gutt-Mostowy and Aniela Gut-Stapińska, the authors of the analysed texts, adapted classic comedies - Molière and Fredro to the folk reality of Podhale region.
The article deals with the problems of marriages arranged by parents, interactive and cultural male domination, as well as with the weaknesses of male characters.
Key words: language and cultural view of the world, intralinguistic translations, polish highlanders’ dialect
Creation of the meanings in Halina Poświatowska’s compositions
Words have usually several different, interrelated meanings., Langacker paid attention to the ambiguity resulting from these properties in characterizing of the foundations of cognitive grammar. Meanings of words are tied mutually in a systematic way thanks to several cognitive processes which allow to see the internal structure of semantic relations. Halina Poświatowska’s poetry is undoubtedly a superb material showing these dependences, symbolic signs , figures of speech or semantic conversions. Her rich creation is unusually poly-sensory and various in respect of metaphorical visualizations. There is no doubt that in the lingual universe of the poet, lexemes picture the activity of all senses, both on emotional level, as well as mental or purely physical experiences level, which enable the readers to see interpretations of the chosen fragments of poems.
Key words: ambiguity of words, semantic relations, figures of speech, personification, reification, contamination
Julia Mazurkiewicz-Sułkowska, Agata Mokrzycka
The Bulgarian-Polish dictionary of connections verb-nominal. Basic foundations and problematic matters
The article is devoted to the project of the Bulgarian-Polish dictionary of constant verb-nominal connections. The authors notice a huge popularity of this type of connections in modern Slavonics and a large saturation of administrative, office-, judicial texts as well as texts of belles-lettres with these forms. In their opinion, the prepared Bulgarian-Polish dictionary of verb-nominal connections will facilitate translation of the bigger and bigger number of documents (among other things, in the context of the membership of both countries in the EU) and will bridge in the lexicography. The prospective volume of the dictionary contains approximately 2 thousands of entry-articles containing above 6 thousand Bulgarian verb-nominal type expressions with Polish equivalents. Every presented connection consists of a nominal segment expressed by an abstract noun and a verbal segment.
Key word: Bulgarian-Polish dictionary, verb-nominal connection, nominal segment, verbal segment, style, semantics
Confirmation sacrament in the mirror of a language
The article is an attempt of reproduction and characteristics of the lexical-phraseological field of names and definitions concerning the second sacrament as one of the main areas of religious vocabulary. The analysis was carried out based on dialectal material, coming from towns situated around Lodz.
Key word: dialect, religion, ceremonies, prayer, confirmation