The Językoznawstwo periodical covers the whole field of contemporary and historical linguistics, knowledge of verbal and non-verbal communication, text creation mechanisms, and dialogue organisation. We also include here issues from the boarder of interlinguistic and intercultural disciplines, as well as comparative studies of various systems of signs.
Alongside theoretical considerations, we present lingustic, communicative and stylistic analyses of written and oral texts, including various contemporary methodologies and research techniques.
We also anticipate specific subject- or problem-oriented publications, of which we are going to inform in the preceding issue of the periodical.
The yearly is available nationwide. It is indexed in the following databases: BazHum, Index Copernicus (83.53 p in 2017) and POL-index. It has got the number DOI 10.25312/2391-5137. The editorial team follow the rules of publication ethics according to COPE (Comittee on Publication Ethics) diagrams.